Thursday, April 16, 2009

Letter to the Board By E-Mail

To whom it may concern,

I am writing in response to the Board's decision to close two of the schools and to put our Grade Seven and Eight's into a high school setting. Not only does decision this belittle how much work that went into the committee that brought forth a viable alternative (NMECE), but it reflects the dismissive attitude of the school board itself. The community was clear and adamant on what we did not want, and that was the scenario you hand picked.

As a community we were willing to band together and let our differences go by the wayside, to promote what was best for our children not what we felt was best for our immediate community. Unfortunately, your decision is not only shortsighted, but depicts the "status quo" mentality that people who did not turn out for the meetings said would happen. It is blatantly obvious you had your agenda already in place and the idea to "think outside the box" was nothing but a means to distract us from what was inevitable. Therefore, I suggest, that because F.E. Madill was not part of the initial ARC proposal, that a new ARC be formed, and the veil of secrecy and motive be removed, and have an open and honest modus operandi.

I am also suggesting that you start to observe the feelings and sentiments of the students and families and citizens that you represent, and families that may move to the county. You are undermining the importance of our Huron County, our resources, and our children.

I would also like to suggest that those on the Board take a course in Ethics, it may improve community relations, it may also teach you, that actions do have a reaction, and Huron County will not become a draw to those outside our boundaries, since a lack of quality schools are a real-estate deal breaker.

Our tax dollars pay your salaries, and when our small towns become ghost towns, you will need to step back and wonder why you are without jobs. Could it be that closing Blyth P.S. which is running at capacity, and choosing not to pursue NMECE, may be the catalyst?

It seems that the Board really wants to keep going through the process every five years of closing schools, in an effort to keep themselves gainfully employed with cushioned pensions. Kudos to you, another great job!

Lisa Bieman

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