Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Quicky :)

I want to commend all who spoke at the board meeting last night, in response to the recommendations put forth by the board. All who spoke were eloquent, and also to the point.

It was made blatantly obvious that there has been an ulterior motive within the board, this feeling was cemented as it was mentioned that someone who was intoxicated at a party knew that this would be the board's recommendation, and unintentionally spewed this information a few months ago.

Another bone of contention is that Adult Education classes are being held in rented buildings in the Wingham as well as Clinton. These Adult Education classes could be easily held at the high schools. It is a high school problem, that needs to be addressed, and it can be done with training courses, as mentioned at the meeting. Spaces do not have to be filled with our small children.

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