Thursday, June 18, 2009

Come On People!

Just a quick note, after reviewing the stats on this page, via the counter, it baffles me as to WHY people are not posting opposing views, or any views. Much traffic comes from the AMDSB, and people are able to post anonymously. I have taken feedburner down, to allow some dialogue. Yet it seems this blog is yet, just another meeting where the same people talk, (well different people on this blog).

This is a venue for the public, if you are concerned about schools in the area post something, a comment, something angry, something in favour of what the board is doing, anything at all. Obviously the board IS watching, but again public apathy will be the downfall of rural schools. Even if the decision was made prior to forming the ARC, there is always the chance something could change, some comment could turn out to be the tipping point in favour of NMECE or saving Blyth Public School.


Nico van Dongen said...

You are absolutely right! The AMDSB lacks transparency and has knowingly mislead Bedford PS, Stratford students.

The AMDSB is boosting about high values such as integrity and honesty.

I started Please read the story and judge for yourself. I had many meetings with Trustees and The Board. They tried to sweep things under their Seaforth carpet.

We do not compromise on violating norms and values, in particular, honesty and integrity. The Board is closely following our 800+ visitor website in 3 weeks.

All documents are published soon. The Board lawyer is facing the Upper Law Society for severe incompetence.

Lisa Bieman said...

Thank you for your comment. I have perused your site, and will link it to this site as well.

Your site looks fantastic, great job!